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How to get Rid of Your Double Chin: Kybella vs. Traditional Neck Liposuction

Kybella vs. Lipo: Which treatment will you choose for your double chin?

If you are one of the many men and women who suffer from the unsightly bulk of a double chin, there are a few treatment options to consider. Submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin, may be caused by weight gain, aging, or simple genetics. The extra fat and excess skin of a double chin can age your appearance, causing you to look tired and overweight regardless of your actual physical fitness. This aesthetic condition typically requires the intervention of a plastic surgeon, as it is often unaffected by dieting and exercise. There are two options your plastic surgeon can use to get rid of your double chin and give you a shapelier neck profile: traditional neck liposuction or Kybella, a new injectable that essentially “melts” away fat from under your chin. Each procedure offers its own advantages and disadvantages, so we’ve put together a quick Kybella vs. lipo comparison to help you decide which procedure is right for you. 

Kybella vs. Lipo for double chin reduction

Kybella Pros and Cons

Kybella is the first FDA-approved injectable treatment for excess submental fullness. Your plastic surgeon makes a series of targeted injections into your under chin fat, with an active ingredient that “disrupts” the fat cell membrane, causing the cells to metabolize and release their stored fat over time.

Kybella Pros:

Treating your double chin with Kybella is a non-invasive procedure that requires no anesthesia. Treatments take less than half an hour; most patients only experience minor redness or a little swelling and are able to return to work the same or the next day. Kybella is a permanent solution for under-chin fat, as the cells are rendered permanently unable to store fat in the future. Results appear over time, gradually improving your appearance so no one will know you’ve had work done unless you tell them.

Kybella Cons:

Results are achieved gradually, requiring many months and multiple treatments before you get the appearance you desire.  In the hands of an inexperienced or less skilled plastic surgeon, Kybella can achieve uneven results: since the targeted fat is metabolized over time, your plastic surgeon will need to have extensive experience and knowledge of the neck and under-chin area in order to predict and achieve the appearance you desire.

Neck Liposuction Pros and Cons

When your double chin is treated through a liposuction procedure, fat is removed through several tiny incisions during a treatment that can take anywhere from one to two and a half hours. Using a small cannula (tube) and a suction device, your plastic surgeon will carefully remove fat cells to sculpt the appearance of your neck and under the chin area.

Neck Liposuction Pros:

Neck liposuction is a “one and done” plastic surgery procedure –with just a single treatment, you get dramatic results that appear as soon as post-procedure swelling goes down. Your plastic surgeon can precisely sculpt your chin and neck appear to create the exact results you desire.

Neck Liposuction Cons:

Although neck liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, you will still need to undergo anesthesia. You will experience a degree of swelling with neck liposuction, and will typically need to recover for a few days post-procedure before resuming normal activities.  Additionally, a compression wrap may be necessary for a few days after treatment.

Whether you choose Kybella injections or neck liposuction to treat your double chin, Boca Raton plastic surgeon Dr. Jonathan Berman is the natural choice to perform the procedure. Dr. Berman is a double Board –certified plastic surgeon, certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery, with extensive knowledge of neck and chin anatomy. Combine that with Dr. Berman’s more than 30 years of experience in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, and you will understand why he is known as the “go-to” plastic surgeon for patients in the Miami, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach area seeking double chin reductions and other plastic surgery procedures.

Call Dr. Berman today at 561-417-0171 to schedule your double chin consultation, or complete this discreet online consultation form.

Dr. Jonathan Ross Berman is a Boca Raton plastic surgeon who has been certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery with over 30 years of service experience specializing in Breast Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Face Lift, Liposuction, and many other types of plastic surgery in Boca Raton, FL.

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