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Checklist: Botox Do’s and Don’ts

Botox continues to be the number one non-surgical treatment performed each year. That’s because it comes with considerable benefits for both men and women looking to refresh their look without downtime or hassle. If you’re considering Botox, here’s what to know about the treatment process and the steps you shouldn’t miss.

What to do BEFORE Botox

Find the Best Plastic Surgeon

Anyone can inject BOTOX, right? Very wrong!!!!! First, choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  So, does your injector really know the anatomy of what muscles control the expressions? The nerve that controls it?  Where is it safe or more importantly, where not to inject? Anyone can put a needle into your face, right? Very wrong!!!! It is not just where you should inject. WHERE SHOULD YOU NOT INJECT!!!

Choosing the right board-certified plastic surgeon means finding one specializing in Botox and non-surgical rejuvenation. Why? Botox is more than just a simple injection– when it comes to getting natural results, you’ll want the best. Bad Botox results can be difficult to correct and, in many cases, you’ll simply need to wait until your results fade.

Avoid Certain Products

Ten days prior to your first Botox injection, you should stop taking any over-the-counter products containing vitamin E, aspirin, or ibuprofen. This significantly reduces any possibility of bruising after treatment. Your plastic surgeon will give you a full list of steps to take leading up to your injection session.

Plan on Subtlety

This is a key component of great Botox results. You’ll want to look like the best version of yourself rather than achieving noticeable change– Botox works best when people can notice a positive difference, but they can’t figure out what or why.

What to do DURING Botox

Know What to Expect

You should expect a handful of quick and painless injections into the underlying facial muscles. You won’t feel anything after a topical anesthetic is applied. And, you should also expect your injection site to appear a bit red and feel somewhat irritated for a few hours after treatment, meaning you should plan accordingly if you have places to be after your session.

What to do AFTER Botox

Expect Some Bruising

For a few days, you could see some minor bruising and swelling. This usually disappears within about 24 hours. The full effect of your Botox treatment will take a few days and normally you can see the full effect within three to five days; however, in some cases, it could take as much as one week since everybody’s different.

Avoid These Things

Dr. Berman massages the medicine into the injected areas.  This helps the absorption of the product into the correct location.   The doctor recommends no active exercise for at least 2 hours after the treatment.  This will ensure that your Botox will settle in the proper place without migrating elsewhere, which can negatively affect the outlying muscles.

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