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What Should You Expect From Your First Dermaplaning Treatment?

If you are dissatisfied with the condition of your skin, you might be considering a cosmetic procedure to freshen it up. Demaplaning is one of the options available to you at Berman Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. It’s good for correcting a wide range of skin concerns such as rough skin, fine lines, or dullness. Here’s what to expect from your dermaplaning treatment.

What to Expect from Your First Dermaplaning Treatment

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that is also called a “scalpel facial.” A scalpel-sharp blade is fitted into a handpiece that holds it securely at a 45-degree angle. This blade is then gently dragged across your skin in a safe and effective way to eliminate fine hairs and dead skin cells.

There’s no pain involved in dermaplaning. The procedure begins with a facial cleansing and drying of the face by patting it. Once the procedure itself starts, the skin is held taut as fast strokes are made over the skin’s surface. Each side of the face will be treated in turn, as well as the forehead and jaw.

After the procedure is over, we can apply a professional moisturizer, sunscreen, or serum to maximize your results.

What Does Dermaplaning Feel Like?

Dermaplaning isn’t a painful procedure. Instead, it gives you the sensation of a light touch of a razor blade, similar to shaving. Only the outermost layer of skin is affected, which means you won’t feel any pain or discomfort. Your skin isn’t pierced, either.

The procedure takes place with you reclined in a comfortable position during the treatment to help you feel comfortable and relaxed.

How Long Does an Appointment Take?

A typical dermaplaning treatment takes around 30 minutes plus any additional treatments added. This means you will be able to resume your normal routine immediately after your procedure. There is no downtime for recovery, but you might notice a pinkish sensation immediately after your treatment. These symptoms should clear up quickly, but you should wear sunscreen and try to avoid direct exposure to the sun following your appointment and through the next day. During this time, your skin is more sensitive, so being directly in the sun might cause irritation.

How to Prepare for Your Appointment

During your initial consultation, your skin will be evaluated to determine if dermaplaning is right for you. You will get the opportunity to discuss your skin concerns as well. Once your consultation is through, you’ll learn about your specific dermaplaning options and schedule your treatment. You may also benefit from repeating, or maintenance sessions to help your skin look radiant and smooth.

You should not use aggressive skin treatments after having a dermaplaning session for a few days. This means anything involving exfoliants, retinoids, or other potent ingredients should be discontinued for at least three days prior to and after your treatment. It’s also recommended to avoid prolonged sun exposure during this time.

Avoid having other skin treatments during this time and reschedule your dermaplaning appointment if your skin becomes irritated for any reason.

Dermaplaning Near Boca Raton, FL

Dermaplaning is a quick, efficient way to help your skin look smoother, brighter, and more radiant. If you’re in Florida and are curious about dermaplaning, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation online with Dr. Berman at Berman Plastic Surgery and Spa at your earliest convenience.

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