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Facelift with CO2 Laser Treatment

What results can I expect from a CO2-lasering facelift?

Laser skin resurfacing, also known as a facelift with CO2 laser treatment, is a remarkable procedure that allows those who are looking for the benefits of a facelift to recapture a firm, luminous look to their skin without the extended recovery time that surgical intervention can incur. Since the 1980s, lasers have been used to treat a wide range of skin and appearance concerns. Earlier carbon dioxide laser models required a recuperation period that could last as long as a month, but the latest fractional CO2 lasers are so advanced that a facelift with CO2 laser treatment now requires a recovery period of only a week or so.

What are the benefits of a CO2-lasering facelift?

The benefits that come with a non-surgical laser facelift are manifold. Fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing stimulates the production of collagen, which imparts a youthful texture and appearance to the skin while diminishing the appearance of flaws such as scarring from trauma or acne, hyperpigmentation, dark under-eye circles, and age spots.  Dull, uneven skin is revitalized, lines and wrinkles are lessened, and even keratosis (small bumps on the skin) and benign lesions can be removed, leaving behind smooth, clear skin.

How does a facelift with CO2 laser treatment work?

CO2 laser treatments work by using light beams to remove the top layer of skin. This causes your skin to go into “recovery mode,” which ramps up the production of collagen and elastin. The latest fractional CO2 lasers split the laser light into tiny beams, limiting the amount of skin that is damaged. You still get all the benefits of the original laser treatments, with much less damage and a considerably shorter recovery time.

Are CO2 lasering facelifts safe?

When performed by a Board certified plastic surgeon, facelifts with CO2 laser treatments are extremely safe. The actual procedure can take as little as 20 to 30 minutes or as long as an hour and can be performed right in your doctor’s office. Fractional CO2 laser facelifts are generally performed in a series, so you can choose the speed of the peel – from a quick peel of 3 days to a deeper peel of 7 days.

After treatment, your skin will be reddened as if you have a sunburn, and you will experience some swelling. Everyone’s skin reacts to procedures differently, but these effects typically subside within a week or so. While the benefits of a CO2 laser treatment are not as long-lasting as a surgical facelift, they still last a considerable amount of time, typically between five to eight years.

If you’re interested in seeing what a CO2 laser treatment can do for you, call Dr. Berman for a private consultation at 561-417-0171, or complete this discreet online consultation form.

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