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5 Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to help patients achieve their body contour goals. There are an array of benefits that liposuction has to offer, both mentally and physically. Read on to learn about these benefits of liposuction, and if it could be right for you.

1.) It is safe

Liposuction is an FDA-approved procedure, and it has been proven safe by studies done by many health boards. At Berman Plastic Surgery & Spa, liposuction is done professionally and is a very safe procedure to undergo. Yes, it is undoubtedly the gold standard in body recontouring procedures. One cannot achieve significant results with non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures despite all the hype of advertising these less invasive techniques promulgate.

2.) Improved health

Although liposuction is not a weight loss solution and should not be done in place of diet and regular exercise, it can help to eliminate stubborn areas of fat—areas refractory to diet and exercise. The removal of these stubborn deposits could help contribute to a healthier you. You want to look better in and out of your clothes, don’t you?

3.) Boost confidence

It can be frustrating when dealing with stubborn areas of fat that just won’t seem to budge. After eliminating these areas with liposuction, patients often experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence.

4.) Long-lasting results

Liposuction can offer long-lasting, permanent results. As long as patients practice a healthy lifestyle after their liposuction procedure, they should not have to worry about fat deposits returning.

5.) Can be combined with other procedures

Liposuction is versatile in that it can often be done in conjunction with other procedures, such as a Tummy tuck. This is one factor that adds to this procedure’s popularity.

If you are located in the Boca Raton area and are interested in liposuction for a slimmer, more contoured figure, contact us today. We would be happy to schedule a consultation for you.

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